Latest activities
Walk 5k this April
Fundraise this World Autism Acceptance Month to support autistic people and their families.
Acceptance at school
Access free resources and newsletters to foster understanding and celebrate diversity in your school community.
Autism Friendly Award
Create inclusive spaces and services for autistic people in your community
Advice and guidance
Our advice and guidance section has a wide range of information about autism. There are 24 different topics, including diagnosis, behaviour, communication, loneliness, sensory differences, mental health, benefits and money, education, and more.
Get involved and help create a society that works for autistic people
Other ways to help

Become a member
Join today to receive Your Autism magazine, attend our AGM and access members' Facebook group.

Raise money
We have lots of events and fundraising ideas to help create a society that works for autistic people.

Make a real difference to autistic children's and adults’ lives, meet new people and learn new skills.
Our services

You are not alone
Join the community
Our online community is a place for autistic people and their families to meet like-minded people and share their experiences.
Join today