
My fundraiser was all about interacting with people and building a community. I hosted a stream-a-thon for the National Autistic Society. I was meant to go to my friends’ houses and stream playing games with them, but this ended because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, so we played lots of games online instead. I have a Twitch channel, a live video streaming platform (really popular with gamers), and I streamed playing games for a week, Monday to Sunday, twice a day, for six hours at a time. I usually played multiplayer games, such as online tabletop or board game simulators, so the community could play together. I played Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild solo in the evenings. We also held a Sea of Thieves Obsidian six item pack give-away, which was immensely popular. On one day, 78 people were watching the stream at any given time, and over the course of a week about 500 people joined the stream collectively. We raised £655.
Read the full story here.