BMW Berlin Marathon 2025: Terms and Conditions
Registration and Sponsorship
Charity Place Runner
1) The National Autistic Society’s charity places for BMW Berlin Marathon will be allocated between September 2024 – August 2025 (with waiting list places being allocated by early August 2025). If successful, you will be required to pay a £50 non-refundable registration fee within 5 working days of receiving your confirmation email. If you have not paid by this deadline, we will assume you no longer want a 2025 BMW Berlin Marathon place and will remove you from the team, giving your place to another runner.
2) By registering for a charity place in the BMW Berlin Marathon 2025, you are committing to a minimum fundraising amount of £850 (minimum fundraising sponsorship) for the National Autistic Society which you undertake to send to the charity with at least 50% by 3rd July 2025. The total sum should be sent to the National Autistic Society no later than right weeks after the event (deadline is Sunday 23rd November) and understand that is the endeavour of this challenge to raise as much above this as possible to aid of the National Autistic Society.
3) You agree to represent and raise money exclusively for the National AutisticSociety in this marathon.
4) Of sponsorship monies raised, £370 will be used to cover the costs associated with your participation in this challenge. The remainder of your minimum sponsorship amount and any additional funds raised will go directlytowards the work of the National Autistic Society, and cannot be restricted to any particular programme, service or branch.
5) You must ensure that your sponsors are aware that part of your minimum sponsorship will cover your challenge costs. Some participants choose to pay their challenge costs themselves, so they can tell their sponsors that all their money is going to the National Autistic Society and ensuring that, in appropriate cases, we can recover gift aid.
6) You must be at least 18 years old before the departure date of the event(28 September 2025).
7) The organiser, SCC events, specialises in challenges of this nature and issolely responsible for organising and running the event, including the safety of participants. Neither the National Autistic Society nor SCC events will acceptliability for any injury, loss or damage unless it arises from the negligence of theNational Autistic Society or SCC events as the case may be.
8) The swapping or sale of race numbers is strictly prohibited for reasons ofsafety and primarily for identification by medical staff.
9) You should take out personal injury insurance covering you to take part inthis event.
10) You must complete the race on foot and not introduce any wheeledvehicle.
11) You must not suffer from alcohol or drug dependency, nor have any criminal convictions that are not disclosed at the time of applying to participate.
12) You will be responsible for providing your own personal equipment.
13) We advise that you train for the event and prepare for your challenge. Ifyou have not exercised for some time, you should consult your doctor for a check-up and abide by any advice given.
14) I hereby agree that images or footage taken of me on at the event maybe used by the National Autistic Society in future promotional material including our websites, social media and charity magazines and reports, unless stated otherwise. (If you are under the age of 18 a parent or guardian can contact us on your behalf:
15) Should you have to withdraw for any reason, you should inform us inwriting, send all sponsorship forms and money collected directly to the charity, and notify your sponsors that you are no longer taking part. All sponsorship monies will be retained by the National Autistic Society unless your sponsorsrequest in writing that the National Autistic Society return it to them within one month of your cancellation (not applicable for online donations).
16) I agree that through signing up to this event I am representing the National Autistic Society and abide to the charities values. The National Autistic Society reserve the right to reject at any time any applicants/participants that are poorly representing the charities values or who are believed to be fraudulent.The National Autistic Society will not be liable in any way to costs associated with the event that may be lost due to the rejection.
17) I understand that if I am unable to take part in the event for any reason(including (but not limited to): personal injury, Covid-19 related issues, travel restrictions), the National Autistic Society is unable to defer my place to a future event.
Own Place Runner
1) Should you have to withdraw for any reason, you should inform us in writing, send all sponsorship forms and money collected directly to the charity, and notify your sponsors that you are no longer taking part. All sponsorship monies will be retained by the National Autistic Society unless your sponsors request in writing that the National Autistic Society return it to them within one month of your cancellation (not applicable for online donations).
2) As an own place runner (secured your place in the ballot) you do not have a minimum sponsorship amount.
3) You must be at least 18 years old before the departure date of the event(28 September 2025).
4) The organiser, SCC events, specialises in challenges of this nature and issolely responsible for organising and running the event, including the safety of participants. Neither the National Autistic Society nor SCC events will accept liability for any injury, loss or damage unless it arises from the negligence of the National Autistic Society or SCC events as the case may be.
5) The swapping or sale of race numbers is strictly prohibited for reasons of safety and primarily for identification by medical staff.
6) You should take out personal injury insurance covering you to take part inthis event.
7) You must complete the race on foot and not introduce any wheeled vehicle.
8) You must not suffer from alcohol or drug dependency, nor have any criminal convictions that are not disclosed at the time of applying to participate.
9) You will be responsible for providing your own personal equipment.
10) We advise that you train for the event and prepare for your challenge. Ifyou have not exercised for some time, you should consult your doctor for a check-up and abide by any advice given.
11) I hereby agree that images or footage taken of me on at the event may be used by the National Autistic Society in future promotional material including our websites, social media and charity magazines and reports, unless stated otherwise. (If you are under the age of 18 a parent or guardian can contact us on your behalf: