National Autistic Society Scotland launches 'Connections' to tackle loneliness and isolation
Published on 31 July 2023

Funded by the Social Isolation and Loneliness fund Connections aims to support over 130 adults aged 25-55 through a user-led, peer support approach.
The programme aims to reduce the harms associated with social isolation and loneliness by providing participants with opportunities for regular social interaction with autistic peers who are facing similar transitions, life stages, and challenges – such as unemployment and late diagnosis.
In Scotland, 67% of autistic people feel socially isolated, and are four times more likely to experience chronic loneliness than the general population.
Social communication can be challenging for many autistic people because of communication and sensory differences. Negative attitudes towards autistic people also contribute to isolation and loneliness, with one in eight autistic people having experienced being asked to leave a public place because of autistic behaviours.
Connections will involve three groups per year, which will meet fortnightly. Two of these groups will be open to autistic adults in Glasgow and the surrounding area, with one online group open to autistic women across Scotland.
Key to the project is creating a space where participants can showcase their unique strengths and interests without fear of judgement or stigma, so they can overcome shared challenges and work towards personal goals.
Rob Holland, Director of the National Autistic Society Scotland said: “It can be extremely challenging for autistic adults to navigate a social world that is inherently neurotypical, and this is often made worse by stigma and discrimination.
“With so many autistic adults experiencing loneliness it’s really important that there is autism-specific support out there, which is why we’re delighted to launch Connections. Through this project we hope to create a community where autistic adults can interact, support one another, and build strategies in an environment that is free of judgement and stigma.
“Our dedicated staff team has over 20 years’ experience of delivering social programmes for autistic people, and I’d like to thank them for all their hard work which has made this new targeted programme of support possible.”
For more information about Connections, please visit our webpage or email