Dr Irina Roncaglia

Dr Irina Roncaglia is a Chartered Practitioner Psychologist, HCPC (UK) registered as a Practising Sport and Exercise Psychologist. She is an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, committee member of the London and Home Counties Branch (LHC-BPS) and a member of the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science. She is currently working strategically as a Principal Psychologist/Clinical Lead with the National Autistic Society. With over 20 years' experience in working collaboratively with autistic individuals, their families and carers, she thrives on enhancing and promoting wellbeing and empowerment.
Irina’s research interest is the understanding, nurturing and development of wellbeing, thriving and resilience in autistic people and performing artists. She is also interested in people’s motivation, drives, engagement and optimal performance through the application of positive psychology and strength-based frameworks.
She has published in several peer-reviewed journals and currently serves on the editorial board of the Journal Dance Medicine and Science, Psychological Thought and PsychReg Journal of Psychology. Irina has also presented nationally to a wide variety of audiences and institutions.