Jay Daly (aka JDub.EXE), video-game champion

My partner is autistic. She was diagnosed as an adult, and we were surprised at how quickly the process went. It took just four months from the original appointment with her GP for her to receive her diagnosis. Given that it can sometimes take up to five years for a child to go through that same process, it's clear that the area is hugely underfunded.
My partner also works as a Special Education Needs Co-ordinator in a nursery. She has seen first-hand how much of a difference early support can make, both to a child's development and to a parent's understanding.
Hosting a gaming event seemed like a natural way to raise funds for a cause I care about. I'm already a streamer on Twitch, with a community of viewers who support similar causes. I also play a lot of Sonic, so I thought, ‘why not combine those things for a marathon streaming session?’
As part of Sonic X, I played (and finished) ten games back-to-back, which took around 14 hours in total. I raised £676.63!