There are over 700,000 autistic people in the UK, and each one is unique. Sadly, what many have in common is the discrimination and barriers experienced across all sectors of society.
It is no surprise that many autistic people mask to hide their true selves in order to fit in, feel accepted or simply to make a friend.
Society urgently needs to change and you can be a part of that.
Lydia’s story
My diagnosis hasn’t put me in a box. It has liberated me from one. I used to think everyone had the same challenges as me and I was just really bad at coping with them. I used to force myself to pour all my energy into fitting in, so much so that masking became an unconscious practice in my life. Now I know that my experience of the world is different from others, I truly know that I can be myself. I have the language to communicate my differences and finally feel understood. I feel empowered to ask to have my needs met.
The National Autistic Society is here to support autistic people to feel comfortable and happy being their true authentic selves, and to challenge society to break down these attitudes and misconceptions. We’d love you to help.
How your donation helps
You could give an autistic person a sense of positive self-identity through accessing our mental health online support.
You could give an autistic person the opportunity to make friends by joining our online community.
You could enable us to launch a major attitude change campaign to make society a friendlier place to be autistic.