South Hampshire branch
The branch supports autistic children, young people and adults as well as their families in the South Hampshire area.
Main information
Type of service: Play and leisure, Local groups, Social groups
Service URL:
The branch supports autistic children, young people and adults as well as their families in the South Hampshire area. They run a number of activities which include:
- A monthly evening autism support group open to all (autistic people, their parents, carers and family members and professionals who work with them) where people can meet to exchange experiences, skills and understanding. At some meetings they invite guest speakers or have professionals present who can advise on aspects of autism.
- A monthly Saturday afternoon family youth club. Children accompanied by their families (including siblings) are welcome. A number of rooms and activities are available during the afternoon, for example table tennis, air hockey, crafts, Lego, books, games and so on.
- A monthly Saturday afternoon Lego Club for children aged nine to 13 years old.
- A fortnightly social group for children (along with their families) during term time.
- A fortnightly social group for teenagers (along with their families) during term time.
- A fortnightly friendship group for adults, who take part in activities and have social outings.
- A support group specifically for partners of autistic people (whether the partner is diagnosed or not). The meetings are for the partner of the autistic person only (not the autistic person themselves).
- Social events for the benefit of individuals and their families.
The branch is also able to signpost autistic young people (over 13) to suitable local weekly teenage youth clubs.
Branch members have access to an extensive resource library with books, videos, DVDs and educational games available on a wide range of autism topics.
The branch has links to other support services and groups, can provide access to a wealth of advice and information, is represented on the Hampshire Autism Partnership Board and campaigns locally to improve support for autistic people.
Age: For people of any age
Aimed at: Adolescent , Adult , Child , Child/adolescent sibling, Parent/carer of a child, Parent/carer of an adult, Volunteer
Registrations & Approaches
Specialisms: Exclusively autism specific
You can contact us by phone email or post.