Daldorch House
Daldorch House is one of our supported living services in East Ayrshire, Scotland. With the river Ayr running adjacent, Catrine village is a beautiful, remote and rural area with access to varied county walks and National Trust locations within easy access. The service has three houses each with four supported living flats.

Residents: 19-26 years old

Males and females

Vacancies: Two Pending
Service facilities
Communal areas:
- Music room
- Sensory room
- Computer room
- Craft room
- Relaxation hub
- Sensory gardens
Each flat has their own:
- Kitchen
- Lounge
- Bedroom
- Bathroom
Daldorch House has fantastic facilities including the outdoor space which offers sensory gardens and opportunities to participate in gardening.
People are supported to be independent, developing essential skills:
- self-care
- laundry
- cleaning
- cooking
- budgeting
- getting out and about in their local community.

Music room

Craft room

Computer room


Living space

Activity space

The lodge

Sensory garden

Meet John
Our staff helped John move from a residential home, supported living shared housing, to his own flat.
Read John's storyPlacement suitability
The individual would need to have a diagnosis of autism and be aged 18+
Individuals can choose from a comprehensive and innovative social and leisure programme.

Why choose us?
We have autism expertise and knowledge, offer person-centred care, and help people understand their diagnosis.
Read more
Refer an autistic adult to our services
Admission criteria includes: over 18 years of age, a diagnosis of autism, and appropriate funding in place
Get in touch