Cath Leggett
Cath’s background is in engineering and technical roles, and they have also worked on gender equality projects for women in science, engineering and technology.
Cath is an experienced autism and employment consultant and trainer and has worked with employers and employees nationwide since 2014 as a specialist optimising autistic people’s strengths at work. Cath also speaks at conferences and events, and regularly contributes to articles and interviews to promote the recruitment, retention and progression of autistic people in the workplace.
Cath was diagnosed autistic in 2015 and has an adult autistic child. In their spare time, Cath enjoys advocacy and building peer support networks for adults to bring together autistic autism professionals, parents, jobseekers, creatives, artists and other professionals to address some of the shortfalls in the support available around diagnosis, accessing healthcare and services and generally living well as an autistic person. Cath is passionate about her work, bringing communities together and bridging the gaps between parents, autistic adults and support professionals.