Autumn highlights at Sybil Elgar: harvests, learning and lots of fun adventures
Published on 09 October 2023

Havelock's harvest: pumpkins galore and a feast of our own
We're bursting with pride at Havelock, thanks to our budding gardeners who've cultivated an impressive pumpkin crop this season. A big shoutout to our diligent pupils, Svetoslava, and the dedicated teams for nurturing the perfect pumpkin!
Sharing a meal and cooking together is a gratifying and unifying experience, especially when savouring your own produce! Our students did just that for the RHS Big Soup Share.

Interactive learning: Year 1 and 2 dive into reading
Our Year 1 and 2 students, under Wioletta's guidance, have been immersing themselves in reading sessions. They've mastered identifying key words on the interactive screen and have also been learning the essentials of road safety. Keep up the fantastic work!

Artistic explorations: the world of collage
This week, our art enthusiasts delved into the world of collage, a technique derived from the French word meaning "to glue." Collage involves creatively pasting materials like leaves, paper, or photographs onto a base surface. It's a wonderful way to hone fine motor skills and develop an appreciation for color and texture. All you need is paper, glue, scissors, and a dash of imagination!

Jeans for Genes day: a heartfelt success
Our Jeans for Genes day was a resounding success! We're grateful to everyone who participated and contributed generously, raising a total of £45 for the charity. Your support makes a difference!

Business enterprise lessons: market day triumph!
Our business enterprise sessions offer students a dynamic, hands-on learning experience. As they gear up for market day, they're enhancing their communication, financial, and marketing prowess. We're thrilled to report that our inaugural market day was a hit, providing invaluable lessons for our young entrepreneurs.

Equestrian adventures at Ealing Riding School
Our students recently had a valuable learning opportunity at Ealing Riding School. As part of their hands-on training, they were introduced to the school's facilities and daily operations. They made new connections, both with professionals and the resident animals, gaining knowledge about the care of horses, goats, and chickens. Safety was a top priority, and they were taught important guidelines to ensure their well-being. This experience not only enriched their practical skills but also emphasized the importance of community involvement and potential career paths in animal care.

A closing note from our therapy team...
Symbol-Based Communication & Independence
Symbols, linked to corresponding items, can enhance understanding and self-expression. By making symbols portable, children can more easily convey needs and make choices. These can be stored on key rings or in a PECS File. Symbols also streamline routines, offering visual cues for daily activities. Transitioning from real objects to photos or words, these cues can guide children through tasks like dressing or cooking. Over time, they foster independence, allowing children to navigate daily routines with increased confidence.
If you would like more information about this and other topics related to therapy at Sybil Elgar, please visit the Transdisciplinary Team section on our home learning resources page for the latest TDT newsletter.