Gloucestershire branch
The Gloucestershire branch of the National Autistic Society provides help, support and information to families, carers, partners, autistic people and anyone in the county of Gloucestershire with an interest in autism.
Main information
Type of service: Local groups
The Gloucestershire branch of the National Autistic Society provides help, support and information to families, carers, partners, autistic people and anyone in the county of Gloucestershire with an interest in autism. The branch organise evening support group meetings where guest speakers are invited to talk about a variety of issues relating to ASD, the branch newsletter, social activities during school holidays, an email helpline (daytime) and access to a resource library.
Age: For people of any age
Aimed at: Adolescent , Adult , Child , Child/adolescent sibling, Parent/carer of a child, Parent/carer of a young person, Parent/carer of an adult, Partner, Young person
Registrations & Approaches
Specialisms: Exclusively autism specific